Ok, a confession.
It’s 10:45 p.m. and I am just now sitting down to write.
And about half an hour ago, I took a pretty good dose of NyQuil,
not realizing…um, yeah.
My eyelids are drooping, and chances are, if I tried to blog about my topic for the day, my wordsssssssssssss woulddddddddddddddd starttttttttttttttttt trailinggggggggggggggggggg offfffffffffff likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thissssssssssssssssssssss….
Haha. 😉
I woke up feeling pretty cruddy yesterday and was pretty sure I was dealing with my annual sinus infection, the one that usually shows up in March.
(Um, hello?)
And I’m no stranger to DayQuil…it’s kind of necessary for survival with that kind of thing.
But, until last night, I had n ever,
ever in my life t aken
a dose of NyQuil.
Oh, how life has changed.
I slept like a rock last night for a good nine hours.
And I am about to do the same thing tonight.
So, even though I hadn’t planned it today…
Thank you, God, for NyQuil.
And sleep.
I love them both.
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