Before you start reading, grasshopper = mint…right? (Did anyone else know this? I didn’t…)
I had another culinary success today.
This does not happen often, mostly because a) I rarely follow a recipe;
and b) I have a slight inability (?) to follow a recipe. So, considering the fact tha
t this is a rare occurrence, it is definitely worth blogging. And who doesn’t love brownies
? Seriously, if you just answered, “me!”, then I think maybe you need to leave now.
We will not get along very well. 😉
Ok…I really love my friend, Londa’s blog. She’s so sweet and funny, AND she has Fat Fridays.
(Which are making me gain weight causing me to exercise huge amounts of self control.)
Last Friday she posted the recipe for these brownies. The original recipe called for cookie mix, but she made them with a brownie mix, and I have to agree that brownies are the way to go.
(How can you go wrong with chocolate?!)
And I have to say, The. World. Will. Never. Be. The. Same.
I was oh-so-practically-drooling when I mixed up the frosting.
And I scraped every single little drop out of that bowl with a spatula so I could lick it! 😀
I didn’t even connect until AFTER I made them that Thursday is St.
Patty’ s Day, too.
And since I have the ingredients for another pan of them, I’m thinking that maybe some lucky neighbors will be the recipients of some really, really yummy brownies.
I love brownies. Did I mention that
Now WHY are you still reading
? Go bake!
I actually did know that grasshopper meant mint…..only because of the Keebler grasshopper cookies. Not cuz I’m smart er nuthin’!
These sound so yummy, I gained weight reading about them! Ha!