When Your Days Don’t Look Like Dreaming

justanotherday final 2

This is the morning, I tell myself, as I pour the coffee and head out to the picnic table.

It’s the morning I’m going to sit down and write those words, the ones that will be so profound, the ones that will inspire dreamers and push them to chase down whatever it is that’s burning in their hearts.

A smile creeps to my face as I take a seat at my little, yellow-and-turquoise-with-a-flower, table and begin to pound out the words.

And I’m not too far into it all before I feel the honest need to confess something.

I’m a writer at God-sized Dreams, and sometimes I feel like a big fake.

The truth? Is that, lately, I haven’t been doing much, if any, dreaming. Or writing.

Today I’m over at God-sized Dreams, sharing a little honesty. 😉 My dreams have definitely changed in the last years…and I’m learning to embrace that. Join me?




  1. Eleanore Henry says:

    I ALWAYS enjoy reading what you have to say. You are an amazing young woman Mel. Keep doing what you are doing…it is an encouragement to everyone 😀

  2. This is where I am, too. And have kind of parked there for the past year and a half. I remind myself that being faithful in the small things that are mundane is just as important a job as any other. It’s just sometimes I want to see progress….to complete that ‘dream’. Somehow in the middle of that real life pushes in and reminds me not to let life pass…and that having that dream may not be all that I think it is. It’s okay. And I’m learning to accept that life comes in seasons.

    • I think the reminder to be faithful in the small things is SO huge for me right now. I’m really hoping there’s progress happening that I’m just not seeing… 😉 Hope you’re doing well, my friend…thank you for stopping by and sharing. Blessings and hugs!

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