I Could Tell You…

I am so tired

I can hardly see straight.

(I really should have had that espresso tonight…) The eyelids are Drooooo. Py.

I have, literally, been staring at a blank computer screen for over an hour.

At one point I called a friend just to give me a diversion. That, and I wanted to talk to her. :) We had a great, 20-minute conversation, and then it was back to the computer screen, blank and all.

I hate uninspired nights.

I don’t want to tell you about all the things hanging on my walls or what I ate today.

I don’t want to pretend I’m a unicorn or make a list of my favorite pizza toppings. And I definitely don’t want to post about how many words I DON’ T have right now.


I could tell you about Maelie’s new swimming pool that’s still in the box

in the garage. We bought her one on clearance this past weekend, and it’s huge. (Well, huge for a one year-old.) Twelve feet across and 30″ deep. Helllloooooooooo, pool party at Tobin and Mel’s next summer! Seriously, I’m half tempted to break it out once we get the fence up, but I doubt the water would even warm up before it would be time to take the pool down. So…bummer. We’ll have to wait nine long months before it’s warm enough to use it.

I could tell you about my daughter’s new obsession with stairs and how she climbs our (very steep) flight like a pro.

With one of us behind her, of course.

😉 On Sunday, my husband let her explore the stairs in the sanctuary after church, and everyone was treated to a temper tantrum when it was time to leave those fun steps.

Today at the park she climbed them several times on a piece of playground equipment that I think needs more safety bars. Is it just me or does 14 months seem a bit young to be climbing so much


Maybe her mama is just wishing she didn’ t like i

t so much!

I could tell you how many shots of espresso go into each drink at Firefly, but truthfully, I’ m still trying to re

member that! :)

And I could tell you how quick I made it home from work tonight, but I won’t. I think my speedometer might be off a tad.

I could tell you all of these things, but I think I’ll just tell you…

That some nights there are no deep, profound things to share.

So I’m going to crash and dream about… well, definitely not being a unicorn.

Thanks for reading, friends.



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