Cookies…Oh, Cookies

So it’s gonna be one of those posts.

The kind where I type a few words between cookie batches. πŸ˜‰

The kind where I desperately attempt not to be serious because, honestly, there’s so much going on in my brain (and heart) that I’d rather not completely spill everything tonight because I want to actually sleep.

That, and I really need to focus on cookie-baking.

Can we say, Pro. Cras. Tin. A. Tion. ???

I am so, so bad.

We have a neighborhood party at our house on Sunday, and yours truly seriously started baking the cookies for it today. (Let’s just say we have a LOT of cookies to go.)

Last year I think I was done a week in advance with everything perfectly frosted and sprinkled and stored in the freezer.


It’s funny how childhood has quite the bearing on our Christmas cookie preferences as adults…at least it rings true in this house.

Tobin loves these cookies his mom always made (and still does) called Bon Bons. Basically sugar-ish cookie dough wrapped around something like cherries (his favorite), chocolate, or nuts. Oh, they have frosting, too. They’re ok, and since they’re his favorite, I can’t remember a Christmas in our married lives when we haven’t had a batch (or twelve) of them in our house. πŸ˜‰

But my favorite are still plain old sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. When I was growing up, I loved when my mom would bring home sugar cookie dough and a can of frosting and a jar of sprinkles and I could “make” my own Christmas cookies.

I still love them…though my sugar cookies don’t come from a tube anymore. (But don’t ask me about the summer of ’08 when we were home from Indonesia and the tube of sugar cookie dough and the spoon. Ever. ‘Cause if I told you the story, you might wonder how on earth I managed to NOT die from salmonella. Really.)

Ok, ok, that was quite the confession. πŸ˜‰

Back to cookies…not cookie DOUGH.

So we have a list of several kinds to make by Sunday, and while I enjoy making them, it seems a bit daunting right now. One batch at a time, I guess. :)

But other than the two kinds I talked about, we don’t have any others that are every-year-or-die-from-cookie-withdrawl. We’re both suckers for peanut butter and mint, so this year the other three types of cookies on our list involve those.

Are you drooling yet?

I am. And I ate, um…I ate some cookies today. The number will not be disclosed until I attempt to run off at least some of the calories tomorrow morning. πŸ˜‰

So, what about you or your family? Are there any kinds of Christmas cookies that you just have to make in order for the holiday season to be complete? (Recipe links are welcome!)

Now off I go to bed.

To probably dream about cookies. πŸ˜‰ G’nite!



  1. I’ll be baking along with you sistah! Did I fail to mention there will be a bake sale at church tomorrow? Coulda saved you a lot of time! :)
    Off to make my white chip orange cookies!

    • Those sound really yummy!!!

      Was the bake sale advertised? Somehow I missed that one…I have kind of been in and out lately, though.

      Happy Bake Sale-ing…see ya Sunday! :)

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